Licensing Your Dog
It’s the Law.
Michigan State Dog Law of 1919 says it is unlawful for any person to own a dog 4 months old or older unless it is licensed. It is also unlawful for a person to own a dog 4 months old or older that does not wear a collar and tag at all times.
Avoid Late Fees.
License your dog from November to February to avoid late fees. On March 1st license fees increase for Gladwin County, license your dog early to avoid paying extra.
Don’t delay! Mail us the form (click on button below) to receive a license.
“Do I really have to license my dog?”
Yes. Michigan State law requires that a dog license be issued by the County you reside in for ALL DOGS four (4) months and older.
“What will I need to get a license?”
To receive a dog license you will need RABIES VACCINATION CERTIFICATE from a certified veterinarian. A paid invoice is not the same thing. Your dog is not required to be spayed or neutered to be licensed.
“I had my dog spayed/neutered since the last license? Can I change this?”
Yes. When renewing a license bring proof of spay/neuter from a certified veterinarian.
“I just adopted my dog from the animal shelter. I already have a license right?”
No. The dog must have a Valid Rabies Certificate to purchase a dog license. Your dog must be licensed within 30 days of adoption or rescue. Proof of date of adoption must be presented at time of purchase along with proof of vaccination.
“Where can I purchase a dog license?”
Dog licenses can be purchased at the Gladwin County Animal Shelter and at the Gladwin County Treasurer office starting November 1st.
“Who determines the fees?”
Dog license fees are determined by Gladwin County Board of Commissioners.
“Can I apply by mail?”
Yes. Please mail a copy of the rabies vaccination certificate and proof of spay/neuter along with the application in the brochure found on this webpage. Make checks payable to: Gladwin County Treasurer.
August 1st
This early date is a courtesy of the Gladwin County Treasurer to help those heading South for the Winter.
November 1st
Dog licenses for the new year go on sale.
February 28th
Last day to purchase a license before late fees apply.
March 1st
For ALL DOG LICENSES the late fee now applies. The only exception is for puppies less than 16 weeks or Animal Shelter Rescues within 30 days of rescue.