55th circuit court

The circuit court is the trial court with the broadest powers in Michigan. In general, the circuit court handles all civil cases with claims of more than $25,000 and all felony criminal cases (cases where the accused, if found guilty, could be sent to prison). The family division of circuit court handles all cases regarding divorce, parternity, adoptions, personal protection actions, emancipation of minors, treatment and testing of infectious disease, safe delivery of newborns, name changes, juvenile offenses and delinquency, juvenile guardianship, and child abuse and neglect. In addition, the circuit court hears cases appealed from the other trial courts or from administrative agencies. The friend of the court office is part of the family division of the circuit court and handles domestic relations cases where minor children are involved.
There are 57 circuit courts in Michigan. Circuit court judges are elected for six-year terms.
If you have questions regarding filing circuit court papers (including PPOs), circuit court payments, looking up cases or general questions about the court, please contact the County Clerk’s office at 989.426.7351. By constitution, they are the clerks of the circuit court.
55th Judicial Circuit Court
Chief Judge, Joshua M. Farrell
401 West Cedar Avenue
Gladwin, MI 48624
Honorable Tara S. Hovey
Circuit Court Judge
Phone: 989.426.9237
Cecilia Price, Judicial Secretary
Honorable Roy G. Mienk
Circuit Court Judge
Phone: 989.426.6025
Angie Cullen, Assignment Clerk & Judicial Secretary
Officers of the Circuit Court for Gladwin County
Steven Worpell, Court Administrator
Karrie Hulme, Clerk of the Court (989.426.7351)
Jamie J. Raymond, Friend of the Court (989.426.4141)
Brooke Werth, Friend of the Court, Caseworker
Charles Pistro, Probation & Parole Supervisor (989.426.6914)
The court’s Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Coordinator is Annette Mead. She can be reached at 989.426.9237 or in the Circuit Court office.
Court Videos
YouTube Channels for Judge Mienk and Judge Hovey.
Basic Courtroom Etiquette Rules
- Wear clothing that would be appropriate for business.
- Arrive on time.
- Turn off electronic devices and cell phones before entering the courtroom.
- Be polite to the judge, opposing counsel and court staff.
- Rise when the judge and jury enter and leave the courtroom.
- Stand when speaking to the judge, making or meeting an objection or questioning a witness.
- Do not interrupt others while they are talking.
- Refer to the judge as “Your Honor.”
- Direct all concerns and remarks to the bench and not opposing counsel.