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80th district court

ATTENTION: You must review the enclosed Advice of Rights form and lcoal resource guide prior to your court appearance. CLICK HERE TO VIEW INFORMATION.

District Court is the initial court for all criminal matters, all traffic, DNR, animal control, and any City of Beaverton or Gladwin matters, including civil infractions, misdemeanors and felonies. Felonies proceed to Circuit Court after arraignment and preliminary hearing. All other matters remain in District Court for trial or other resolution. Trials are either by a jury of 6 or non-jury, heard by the Judge. Cases may be resolved by plea, trial or dismissal.

For civil matters, the District Court handles summary proceedings (landlord-tenant matters, land contract forfeitures), civil suits in which the amount sought is $25,000 or less, and Small Claims matters (suits for up to $5,500, no attorney allowed for either party, heard by the Magistrate). Cases may be resolved by settlements, hearings/trials or dismissals.

If you have questions regarding filing circuit court papers (including PPOs), circuit court payments, looking up cases or general questions about the court, please contact the County Clerk’s office at 989.426.7351. By constitution, they are the clerks of the circuit court.

District Court is committed to continuing to offer essential services to our communities. The COVID-19 health crisis has required some changes to our normal operating procedure. CLICK HERE For Full Update.

Gladwin County 80th District Court

Hon. Joshua M. Farrell, Judge

401 West Cedar Avenue
Gladwin, MI 48624

Phone: 989.426.9207
Fax: 989.246.0894

Email 80th District Court

Court Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm


The Honorable Judge Joshua Farrell is the District Court judge for the 80th District, which covers Clare County and Gladwin County. Judge Farrell was elected to the bench in 2008.

The Gladwin County staff includes:

Steven Worpell, Court Administrator and Attorney-Magistrate (For Clare and Gladwin)
Linda Hawkins, Assignment Clerk/Court Reporter
Stacey Gasiciel, Probation Officer P: 989.426.6913 F: 989.426.3233
Four Deputy Clerks

Pay by Credit Card

The 80th District Court is not allowed to directly accept payment via credit card. A private service is available, for a fee, to those who wish to pay with credit cards. Payment may be made via phone at 888.604.7888 or online via When asked to provide a Payment Location Code use 5073. A notice of payment is faxed directly to the court specifying the time and date the payment was made. The service fee will also be charged to your credit card. Most major credit cards are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

Frequently Asked Questions!

Click Here to View

Contacting 80th District

Each member of our friendly staff has a primary function and backs up other staff members. Fax and Phone numbers are provided to the left. Use the chart below, when calling our office. The court phone system is configured to not accept voice mail messages.


Quick Access Phone Extensions

Ext. 4 – Criminal Matters
Ext. 5 – Civil Matters
Ext. 6 – Juror Questions, DNR, Traffic, Animal Control Tickets
Ext. 7 – Small Claims, Landlord-Tenant Matters, Drunk Driving

ADA & Language Access Coordinator

Note: Court staff is prohibited by law from providing legal advice.

Gladwin County Courthouse
401 West Cedar Avenue
Gladwin, MI 48624