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RFP for Land Bank Demolition and Abatement

The Gladwin County Land Bank invites qualified firms to provide a quote for Demolition & Debris Removal and Asbestos Containing Material & Hazardous Materials Removal & Disposal for a residential property located in Gladwin County.

To be considered for this engagement, your business must meet the qualifications and satisfy the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposals. Proposals must be received at address listed within by 4:00PM on December 10, 2024.

Link to RFP

RFP for Land Bank Demolition and Abatement

The Gladwin County Land Bank invites qualified firms to provide quotes for Demolition & Debris Removal and Asbestos Containing Material & Hazardous Materials Removal & Disposal for various residential properties located in Gladwin County.

To be considered for this engagement, your business must meet the qualifications and satisfy the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposals. Proposals must be received at address listed within by 4:00PM on October 16, 2024.

Link to RFP

RFP for Information Technology Managed Services

The Gladwin County Board of Commissioners invites qualified firms to provide information technology managed services to the County at various sites of service.
To be considered for this engagement, your business must meet the qualifications and satisfy the requirements set forth in this Request for Proposals. Proposals must be received at address listed within by 4:30PM on September 20,2024.

Link to RFP

Bids for Gladwin County LAND BANK AUTHORITY

The Gladwin County Land Bank Authority is seeking bids to test for asbestos and other hazardous materials of multiple structures in Gladwin County. Below you will find a list of properties we are seeking bids for. For more information, please contact our office by email at or call us at 989-426-8117. Sealed bids will be received at the Gladwin County Treasurer’s Office, 401 W. Cedar Avenue, Gladwin, MI  48624 before 4:00 PM (local time), August 12, 2024.

Click Here to View Bid Information